Monthly Archives: September 2021

A Cat for Troy Virtual Book Tour

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A Cat for Troy cover


 Wishes & Dreams Series


Paranormal Romance


Date Published: 03-04-2021

Veterinarian Troy Shelton has no idea what he’s letting himself in for when he rescues a friend’s cat from the shelter after a dog attack. The friendly but demanding calico soon has Troy and his pregnant collie wrapped around her furry paw. But strange things begin happening in Troy’s home when he’s away, and he could almost think someone else was living there besides him.

Torn and hurting, Katerina appreciates Troy’s gentle care. She also appreciates his strong form and handsome face as much as the way he cuddles her. She’s trapped in her cat form until her wounds heal, but once she’s well again she finds herself oddly reluctant to resume her human form and life away from Troy. But someone else is interested in Troy, and that someone else has already tried to kill Cat once.

A Cat for Troy tablet

Excerpt – Chapter 2
She caught his scent first, all woodsy and maple and oak, with smoky
undertones like a good fire in winter. The warmth of his scent went
personality deep. She touched his mind as he came into the room. Although
telepathic, she couldn’t read minds per se, but cats were good at
impressions. He felt to her like a kind man, generous and compassionate,
the kind of man who drew people to him through no conscious doing of his
own, but his open nature drawing people to him like a magnet.
Cat sat up, not without some difficulty given her injuries and the
bandages, pressing her face to the bars of the cage to be able to see him.
He’d paused just inside the room behind a young woman who worked at
the shelter, and was looking about. He was a big man, tall and tan, with
broad shoulders and a long stride; an outdoorsman type, she thought, who
spent his time doing things outside, in the woods and fields. That appealed
to her, far more than the slick, manicured types she had to deal with in her
line of work.
Wanting his attention, she yowled. She liked him. She wanted him to
rescue her from this place.
“Marrrwww!” she cried plaintively, demanding his attention. She
wanted him to see her, to notice her. To take her away from here. She
butted her head against the cage, curling her good paw around the bars
and rattling them so the metal clanged. Here! Here!
The shelter employee laughed. “She sure seems to know you. This
must be the cat you’ve come for.”
“That’s her.” His amused voice was deep and slightly burry, a rumble
of dark velvet.
Cat pawed at the cage door impatiently, wanting to be out.
“All right, all right,” the woman said, undoing the cage door latch.
The moment the door swung open, Cat launched herself straight into the
man’s arms.
“Whoa!” he said, laughing, catching her easily. “Take it easy, little
His arms were strong and muscular as he held her. His fingers gently
explored her slender body, moving knowledgeably over aching bones, torn
flesh and bruised skin, as had the vet the night before, but without the
clinical detachment of the shelter vet. As if he knew her, and cared.
The leap had jarred her scarcely healed wounds, and she was sure a
couple of them had broken open again, but it was worth it to lie in his arms,
cradled carefully against his broad chest, basking in his scent, the warm
aura of comfort surrounding him. She purred deeply, feeling comforted and
“We’ll be off, then,” he told the young woman. “I’ll be in for clinic on
Tuesday evening, as usual.”
“Okay. I’m glad you found your friend’s cat, Dr. Shelton,” she
Doctor? Oh yes, Douglas had several partners at his veterinary clinic,
perhaps this man was one of them. Cat didn’t care who he was. He had
come for her, and rescued her from this awful place. And he smelled nice.
She liked that he didn’t try to detach her from his shirt, which she
kept snagged firmly in her claws, to put her into the cat carrier that he’d
come prepared with. Instead he held her close as he bent to pick up the
carrier, which he’d dropped to catch her. She clung to his flannel shirt,
butting her head against the underside of his chin. She liked his aftershave.
It was a subtle blend of scents, masculine and outdoorsy, suiting him
perfectly. She purred deep in her chest as he carried her through the
building and out the door.
He owned a big black truck, and Cat decided it also suited him. It was
high off the ground, and wisps of hay and straw were scattered in the bed,
the scent pleasing to her. This man had horses. She wrinkled her nose at
the other odor, unmistakable, of dog. Well, she could live with a dog, once
it understood its place. It would just have to learn that she was the boss.
Her nose told her the animal was female, which would make it easier. Male
dogs got all alpha and were always wanting to challenge her authority.
Once inside the truck, she retracted her claws from the man’s shirt,
allowing him to settle her carefully on the passenger seat. His hands were
big and gentle, and he stroked her fur gently, smoothing her thick coat. She
rubbed her head against his arm.
“You’re a friendly one, aren’t you?” he said. His look was assessing.
“A Maine Coon, too, or I miss my bet. Jacinth told me you’re a stray, but I’m
guessing somebody will be looking for you, pretty girl.”
She liked that he thought she was pretty, and she blinked at him,
settling herself as comfortably as she could on the seat. Her ribs and
shoulder where the dog’s teeth had dug into her hurt terribly, and she
ached all over, but at least she was out of that place, and the upholstered
seats were more comfortable than the cold steel of the cage she’d spent
the night in.
Beside her, the man pulled out his cell phone and pressed a couple of
buttons. “Hey, it’s Troy.”
She swiveled both ears forward to listen, eyes half closed, a deep
purr rumbling in her chest at the soothing cadence of his deep voice.
“Yeah. I’ve got the cat here just fine. She saw me as soon as I walked
into the room and set up a howl, just like she knew who I was. She came
out of that cage and clung to me like she’d known me all her life. She’s a
sweet little thing. She’s cuddled up to me now here in the truck, purring like
Ah, he was talking to Jacinth. There was a pause.
“She’ll be okay,” he reassured Jacinth in his deep voice. “Her
shoulder and front leg are a little chewed up, and maybe a broken rib or
two, so I’m going to take her home with me. I got hold of Douglas before I
left the clinic, and he said to tell you he had to be late or he’d bring her
home himself. As banged up as she is, it might be best if she stays at my
place for a few days anyway, where I can keep an eye on how she’s doing.
What’s her name?”
Cat slit her eyes open to see Troy shaking his head as if in dismay.
“Cat it is. Well, I’m headed for home with her now. I’ll keep in touch and let
you know how she is.”
She looked about the inside of the truck. A satchel was on the floor,
and some loose mail on the seat where she lay. While Troy started the
truck and backed out of the parking space, she stole a surreptitious look at
an envelope laying on the seat by her paw. It was addressed to a Troy
Shelton, DVM.
Troy. Troy Shelton. She turned the name over in her head, and
approved. Like everything else, his name suited him. She sighed, pain and
exhaustion overwhelming her now that she had effected her escape from
that place, and she crawled across the seat to curl closely against Troy’s leg.
She was too tired and hurt to feel the least curiosity about their
destination. Instead, she gave herself over to the enjoyment of being
petted and cared for. He drove with easy assurance, one hand on the
steering wheel and the other gently stroking her fur, and she dozed, lulled
by the rhythmic movement of his fingers as well as the high-powered
rumble of the engine.
They drove for what seemed to her to be a long time. Her nose
informed her when they left the suburbs and headed into the country.
Fresh scents assailed her; trees, flowers, passing fields with horses and
cows. Songbirds twittered from tree branches as they passed under
spreading oaks and maples.
The truck slowed and turned off the paved road, the wheels
crunching on gravel. Cat stirred, struggling to a sitting position on the seat.
She thought she was as stiff and sore from the hours spent in the cold steel
cage as she was from her injuries. Looking out the front windshield, a long
drive wound its way through a grassy yard dotted with wide-branched trees
toward an older farmhouse set back from the road. Behind the house was a
large barn and beyond that pastures spread off to the right of the house.
Large black horses grazed within the neatly fenced enclosures, a breed that
Cat didn’t recognize. It wasn’t manicured and orderly, but just enough
jumbled to be pleasantly attractive and homey. Cat felt an odd pulling at
her heart, as if she had known this place in the past. It gave her the
strangest feeling, almost of coming home.
Troy pulled the truck up in front of the house.
“Here we are, Cat.”
A large collie bounded out of the house, barking ecstatically. Troy
stepped out of the truck, fending off the collie’s joyous advances.
“Down, Cherie,” he told the dog in his deep voice. “We have a
He reached into the truck, lifting Cat carefully, doing his best not to
jar her wounds. He held her cradled close against his chest with one arm,
the other latching firmly on the collie’s collar, keeping the collie from
jumping at Cat. Cat sensed no aggression from the dog, only friendly
Troy carried her up the few low, broad steps to the porch, then on
into the house. It was cool inside, air conditioned. Cat looked about her
with interest. Gorgeous polished red oak floors met her approving gaze,
with braided rag rugs scattered about here and there. She only had a
minute to look, as Troy carried her through a dining room into a large, oldfashioned kitchen.
He set her carefully on the kitchen table. Cat wrinkled her nose
fastidiously. Ew, this must be some kind of a “guy” thing. Personally, she
never allowed cats on her table. It was totally unsanitary.
At a quiet but firm order from Troy, the collie, Cherie, went to lay
down in a corner, the soulful brown eyes fixed on her master as he moved
about the kitchen. Well-trained. That was good.
“Now, let’s have a look at you, pretty Cat,” he said. He removed the
bandages, exploring the deep bite wounds with a cautious touch. The
probing, careful as he was, hurt her, but she knew he was doing his best not
to hurt her, and she purred at him.
He opened a cupboard near the back door that she had assumed was
a pantry, but appeared to be full of veterinary supplies. Again, this must be
another guy thing. Most people she knew kept food in their kitchen, but
Troy apparently kept first aid supplies in his. He returned to the table and
smeared antibiotic ointment on the puncture wounds.
“You’re a pretty, pretty thing,” he told her, his deep voice approving.
“Gentle, too.”
Huh. Cat’s whiskers twitched in amusement.
“It’s a damned shame what happened to you,” he went on, talking as
much to himself as to her. That was another thing that she found herself
liking about him. He talked to her as if she were a person, as if she could
understand him.
“I wonder if they caught the dog that did this. Sounds like a mastiff,
from the description the woman who brought you in gave them. She
offered to pay the bill for you to be fixed up.”
Cat flicked her ears forward. Well, now wasn’t that interesting? She’d
have to have Douglas get the woman’s name and she could…
“Sorry, pretty kitty.” The large hands soothed her apologetically.
“Guess that’s sore, huh?”
He took a clean roll of bandages from his supplies, and wound it
about her ribs and her shoulder, snugly but not too tight. That done, he
stroked her head, his gaze admiring.
“Well, little lady, you got torn up some, but you’ll be fine. Jacinth and
Douglas both assured me you’ve had your rabies vaccine, which is good,
since from the description of that dog, it was a worry.”
Rabies. Cat considered that for a long moment, her golden eyes
narrowing as she replayed the event in her mind. She hadn’t thought the
dog was rabid, although it had been slavering when it attacked her. No,
something else had been behind that attack. The dog had been set onto her
by someone… or something. Something that was not quite human, and she
had a pretty good idea who… or at least what… it was.
Troy brought her a bowl of water, and she drank gratefully. He
brought a plate of cat food for her, but she turned her head away in
disgust. She hurt so badly that food held no appeal for her, but even if she
were starving she would never eat such gross stuff. She’d worry about that
later, though, when she felt better.
After taking the food away, Troy picked her up again and carried her
into the living room, settling her with care on the sofa, pulling an afghan
from where it was draped over a chair and making a nest for her to lay on.
A very nice afghan, too, she thought disapprovingly, even as she made
herself comfortable on it, kneading the soft folds. Probably hand-made, and
with a faint scent of lavender. Perhaps it had been his grandmother’s, it
was that kind of afghan. He should be taking better care of it.
In the meantime, Troy had disappeared into some other part of the
house, returning shortly with a cat box, which he put in the corner of the
room and filled with litter from a large yellow box. Eww!! Cat wrinkled her
nose. Like she was going to use one of those!
It hurt too much to curl up, so she stretched out, laying her chin on
her paws. She drowsed, one ear cocked to listen for Troy as he moved
about the house, the collie a constant companion at his heels. After a bit he
returned to the living room, lowering his large form into a large leather
recliner. Cherie whined a bit, then went to lay in a cushioned dog bed
before the hearth, turning herself around and around before settling.
All the while, Cat turned over her options, considering what she
should do. If she went home, she would have to take care of herself, which
meant Changing… and she suspected her wounds would hurt much, much
worse if she were to try the Change. Or she could stay here, in her cat form,
with Troy until she had healed. That might even be the better idea. He
would take good care of her. Besides, she liked Troy. She liked him, and his
house, and she wasn’t much inclined to want to leave right now. There
were of course disadvantages to that as well, but she was too tired and hurt
to worry about those right now. But also, just to clinch the matter, if she
stayed in her cat form to heal, she wouldn’t have scars when she returned
to her human form. Shifters never did.
So that was decided. She would stay here in this spacious farm house
with this gentle giant of a man to look after her, and Cherie to keep her
company. She eyed the collie doubtfully, who was eyeing her with equal
indecision. Cherie was pregnant, Cat realized, noticing the dog’s rounded,
fecund belly. From the size of her, she was due to have pups any day. It was
a testament to Troy’s handling and training that the dog accepted a strange
animal into the household so easily when she was so close to giving birth.
Safe. He made the collie feel safe with him. Cat felt it too.
With a sigh, Cat closed her eyes and dozed, only the tip of her tail
swaying to and fro. After watching the news on the large-screen television
mounted on the wall across the room, Troy got up to move through the
house, closing blinds and windows and flipping the lock on the front door.
Cat kept one ear perked, swiveling to follow his passage as he moved past
her into the small hallway and made his way up a narrow staircase to the
upper floor.
The click-click of toenails on the wooden stairs informed her that
Cherie accompanied Troy upstairs. Good. She felt her muscles relax, not
aware until that moment how apprehensive she’d been to be left alone
downstairs with the dog. Not that Cherie was like the one who’d attacked
her. But it was good that she was upstairs. Cat rose, and gingerly jumped
down from the sofa, her injured body protesting every move. She leapt up
onto the recliner that stood at right-angles to the sofa. The leather wasn’t
nearly so soft as the sofa and the comfy afghan, but it was clearly Troy’s
chair, and she snuggled herself into his scent as she reposed herself for the
She was being shaken, flung to and fro, huge sharp teeth like a vise
holding her in their grip. With every movement they were moving closer to
the prize, shifting higher, seeking her vulnerable neck, to shut off her
windpipe. Unable to escape that clamp on her body, she cried out again and
A light came on, and footsteps sounded, coming nearer.
“Hey there.” A man’s voice, deep and soothing. A hand stroked her
fur. “Come on, pretty kitty, wake up.”
She trembled, and drew a deep breath, her eyes opening. Troy. She
shoved her head gratefully under his hand, relieved to be released from the
“Bad dream?” Troy sympathized. “You’re safe now with me, kitty
He picked her up, cradling her in one arm against his bare chest. He
was clad only in a pair of pajama bottoms, she realized. The air conditioner
had been turned off when he went to bed earlier, and the house was
beginning to heat up in the hot summer night.
Carrying her up the stairs, he walked into a large bedroom at the
front of the house. The lights were off, but her cat eyes allowed her to see
as clearly as if it were day.
Troy’s bedroom was furnished as comfortably as the rest of the
house. A heavy wooden four-poster stood in the center of the room with a
matching oak dresser against one wall, and what looked like an oldfashioned shaving stand in one corner. A bookshelf was crammed with
hardbound books, with a few paperbacks to one side. She could explore
those once she was healed enough to Change. The room was cooled by a
ceiling fan, whirring lazily overhead.
She was struck for the first time at the overall cleanliness of the
house. He must have a housekeeper who came in to do for him. He
probably had farm hands too, given the large barn and the extensive
paddocks and pastures beyond.
The blankets and quilt on the four-poster had been folded neatly at
the end of the bed, but the sheet was tossed back and rumpled, as if the
sleeper had left the bed hastily. Troy settled Cat comfortably on the folded
blankets, then slipped back between the sheets.
“There, pretty kitty. You sleep here and know you’re safe.”
On a hook rug nearby, Cherie raised her head to gaze at the
newcomer, decided it wasn’t worth investigating, and lowered her head to
the floor, closing her eyes with a comfortable sigh.
She awoke in the morning to the sound of the shower running; Troy
was getting ready for work. The soothing, steady sound of the water
combined with the singing of birds outside and the warm patch of sunlight
slanting across the blankets on which she lay, lulled her back to sleep.
Awhile later she protested drowsily when she was picked up and
carried downstairs against a hard, broad chest.
“I don’t want you trying to manage the stairs yet,” he told her, as if
she could understand him. He settled her on the sofa, then looked about.
“I’m headed off to work now. You have everything you need here, pretty
kitty. Water, food, and your litter box.”
He stroked her head, his eyes moving over her assessingly.
“You should be okay for now, and I’ll be back at lunch to look in on
Again it struck her how Troy talked to her as if she were a thinking,
reasoning human being, as if she could understand him, even though he
believed her to be just a cat. The big vet had a way with animals, a sure
touch and calm manner that inspired trust in the animals he looked after,
and probably their owners as well.
Since he had taken care to place her right where a shaft of sun struck
the sofa through the front windows, Cat had no real objection to staying
where she was placed, but laid her head on her paws and closed her eyes,
listening drowsily to the sound of his footsteps crossing the floor, the
opening and closing of the door, the key in the latch. A few moments later
the truck engine roared to life, and Troy was gone.
Cat dozed, half awake, half asleep, one part of her on alert in the way
of felines. The birds sang loudly outside, and a short distance away horses
snuffled and squealed, and the occasional vehicle roared down the country
lane. Cherie’s toenails clacked on the floor as the collie wandered into the
living room. She approached the small bowl of water that Troy had left for
Cat, and Cat lifted her head to glare at the dog.
Don’t. You. Dare. She sent the thought firmly to the dog. That was
the only water available to her in this form, and there was no way she was
going to drink water tainted with dog drool!
With a whimper Cherie scrambled backward, eyes wide with alarm as
she stared at Cat. The dog whined in confusion, and Cat reinforced the
order, noting that her mental voice today was strong.
MY water. No.
Cherie retreated to the kitchen door, whining and casting nervous
glances at Cat, who ignored her, closing her eyes once more.
After a bit Cat began to feel the first pangs of hunger. She jumped off
the sofa, wincing at the pain that shot through her shoulder and back. She
limped painfully across the floor. It hurt more than she’d thought it would,
and she found herself panting by the time she reached the bowl of food by
the kitchen door. Apparently the can of cat food he’d offered her last night
had been his only such can, because this morning’s offering was canned
mackerel… the kind for humans, not cats. Mackerel wasn’t her favorite, but
it was fish and it wasn’t cat food, so she ate gratefully.
The pain must have dulled her appetite, or maybe the exhaustion
from the effort to reach the kitchen, because a few bites seemed to be all
she could eat. The living room seemed a long way away, and she hurt too
much to jump back up onto the sofa anyway, so she settled herself on the
hooked rug beneath the kitchen table and let sleep overtake her once
When she awoke from her nap she felt much better, more alert than
she had been before, and curious to explore Troy’s house… or at any rate,
the first floor. The motif of hardwood floors and wooden furniture carried
through the rest of the house as well. The dining room had a large table
that would probably fit ten people easily; it was a table made for large
families. An open-work buffet stood at one of the room and held a full
service of china. Everything looked as if it had been here a long time. Cat
thought perhaps this had been Troy’s family home; it was the kind of home
that a family lived in and passed on for generations. There was a nice livedin feeling, and the smells of human and dog and good lemon furniture oil
combined pleasingly to her sensitive nose.
The kitchen was laid with linoleum, and white eyelet Priscilla curtains
hung at the windows. Blue cupboards with butcher-block tops lent a
cheerful note to the large room. It had been renovated recently. The
appliances were all shiny and modern, and not much used either, Cat
Behind the kitchen was a small room that served as both laundry
room and mud room. The door leading to the back yard and barn beyond
had a large flap in it, allowing Cherie to come and go as she pleased. Cat
gazed at it, but didn’t feel up to tackling the outdoors. She wrinkled her
nose in resignation. She was going to have to use that cat box after all, at
least until she felt up to venturing outside. Turning, she limped slowly back
into the living room. Across the room was a small hallway with a bathroom
and at least one other bedroom from the little she could see, but she was
sore and stiff. She could explore those later. At least she was somewhat
better than the night before. The pain had faded to a dull, nagging ache.
Well, mostly. If she didn’t move or breathe.
Clicking toenails on the wood floor announced Cherie’s arrival, and
Cat turned to see the collie watching her wistfully from the hall door. She
hadn’t had to speak to the collie since that morning, but Cherie gave her
wide berth, casting anxious glances her way whenever they were in the
same room. Time to bridge the gap. Cat padded across the floor to where
the collie stood, walking boldly beneath the long, narrow head and letting
her tail drape around and beneath the slender muzzle. Cherie whined
slightly. Twining between the dog’s legs, Cat stropped against the thick fur
and the dog’s head dipped down to snuffle at her, wondering but not
unfriendly. This was a good dog.
Cat gave a reassuring purr, reaching up to rub her muzzle along
Cherie’s cheek. Yuck. The things she had to do. But Cherie had lost that
anxious look, and the plumy tail began to wave slowly back and forth.
Cat passed underneath the collie, letting her tail drape along the
dog’s rotund belly, and padded into the living room. Her muscles were
loosening up now that she was up and about and moving. Her shoulder
ached, though, where murderous teeth had dug deep, and her leg was sore
enough that although she could bear weight on it, she preferred not to. She
leapt onto the sofa, turning around and around in the sunbeams that
streamed in through the wide windows, before settling herself as
comfortably as she could.
Her head came up as tires crunched on gravel, and she tensed. That
wasn’t Troy’s truck. Cherie charged through the kitchen and out the dog
door in the back door, but her barks were welcoming. Still, Cat rose warily
and padded into the back bedroom on the first floor, on the opposite side
of the house from the kitchen. The window in the small room overlooked
the back yard and the barn. Cat leapt for the windowsill, but her hind legs
faltered and her claws scrabbled for purchase on the wood before she fell
to the floor. She lay a moment panting through the pain. At least that dog
hadn’t been here to witness her humiliation. Her fur ruffled as much from
the indignity as from the fall, Cat gathered herself once more and made a
relatively smooth leap to the sill.
From here she peered out to see who had arrived. Cherie was frisking
about and leaping at two men in jeans and t-shirts who’d emerged from a
battered old pickup truck. One disappeared into the barn, the other going
around the side to the back of the barn, Cherie at his heels. Cat relaxed. The
stable hands, of course. Not being interested, she left her perch, returning
to the living room. Her fall hadn’t helped the aches and pains, and it was a
struggle to jump back up to the sofa, although she didn’t fall again. But it
was a relief to dispose herself on the soft crocheted afghan and let her
battered body rest.

About the Author

Allie McCormack

Allie McCormack is a disabled U.S. military veteran, now pursuing her life-long dream of being a writer. Allie has traveled quite a bit and lived many places all over the U.S., as well as a year in Cairo, Egypt as an exchange student, and a year in Saudi Arabia under contract to a hospital in Riyadh. Allie now lives in wine country in beautiful southern California with her family and two rescue cats.

Allie says: “A writer is who and what I am… a romance writer. I write what I know, and what I know is romance. Dozens of story lines and literally hundreds of characters live and breathe within the not-so-narrow confines of my imagination, and it is my joy and privilege to bring them to life, to share them with others by writing their stories.”

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Apricot Marmalade Blitz


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Historical Fiction, Humor



Published: July 2021

Publisher: ‎Page Publishing

A satirical romp through 1968 Thailand follows a team of US intelligence agents matching wits with enemy operatives.

It was 1968 and the war was not going well. The surprisingly-effective Tet Offensive in January had humbled and embarrassed the South Vietnamese and their American allies. It had sent a powerful message to the folks back home that this Vietnam thing wasn’t going to be over anytime soon. Americans in general were growing weary of its intrusion into their living rooms every evening on the six o’clock news.

Meanwhile in Bangkok, Thailand, just a stone’s throw from the battlefields, the special agents assigned to the 187th Military Intelligence Detachment, the US Army’s counterespionage arm, are dealing with the war and its implications for the rest of Southeast Asia in their own way. They dress in civilian clothes and carry credentials while performing counterintelligence investigations and surveillance of suspected enemy agents. As a group, they are an unruly and undisciplined lot whose often humorous attempts to carry out their assignments and stay out of trouble rarely succeed. The tone of this book has been compared to that of the classics “MASH” and “Catch 22.”

Apricot Marmalade paperback

About The Author

Lon Orey

Lon Orey served in Military Intelligence in the late sixties. Much of that time was spent in Bangkok, Thailand, after studying the language for a year at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California. While this is a work of fiction, the framework within which the story is told reflects his real-world observations of the country and the various intelligence services operating there, as enhanced by a fertile imagination. Those intelligence services included the CIA, the KGB, and Thailand’s own intelligence agency, AFSC. He had fun writing this book, with tongue planted firmly in cheek, and he hopes you will have fun reading it.

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Filed under BOOKS

Curse of the Gods Virtual Book Tour

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Curse of the Gods cover


YA Historical Fantasy



Date Published: 09-21-2021

Dare to defy the Gods?

The Gods demand absolutes, absolute devotion to a prophecy Seanait wishes wasn’t real. Ever since her riastrad awoke she has trained for her seventeenth birthday and the beginning of her destiny. With only a few months left, she is ready to return home to Ulster but when Romans invade Caledonia she can’t leave the land defenseless. Taking up arms next to her best friend Eion she is ready to defy the Gods and save lives. A chance encounter with the seventh fae prince of Amanthia, Cillian, awakens a dream that could change everything.

Cillian has spent nearly a year running from the trials for the crown of Amanthia. He wants nothing to do with the faelands who see him as a monster because of his Primal magic. He’s determined to never return but when Gods meddle in the fates of fae and humans alike everything will not go to plan. In order to survive the war with the Romans and their own destinies, Seanait and Cillian must depend on the one thing pulling them closer, their uncertain hearts.

This is YA historical fantasy series based on the Irish myth of Cu Chulainn.


Curse of the Gods tablets


“Walk with me,” I said. He looked up at me and followed me to the edge of camp. I looked out into the dark foliage and stepped into it. Cillian’s hand snatched my wrist.

“Where are you leading me?” he asked, a slight tremor in his voice.

I leaned back towards him and gently pulled my hand free. “Come and find out,” I taunted, walking into the darkness. For a moment I heard nothing, but his steps soon continued behind me, crunching on dry leaves. I pushed aside branches and ducked under others, looking for a small opening where I could no longer hear the sounds of camp. Moonlight glistened through the trees, the color matching Cillian’s hair, as we walked. He was steady beside me like a hound on my heels, in silent comradery. The trees revealed a small opening and I walked into it before turning to face Cillian.

“I want answers,” I said, folding my arms over my chest. The wind blew his orange blossom scent towards me and I fought against the urge to step closer to him. This was the exact reason I knew something was wrong. There was no reason for me to step closer. If he was manipulating me, then I needed enough room to strike first. I would not be used. 

“Answers?” he asked, his head cocking to the side.

“I have a riastrad.” His eyes opened wide. “When Eion said I was Godsblessed, that’s what I was gifted. Only Eion and few other things have ever been able to pull me from the grips of its power. So why could you?”

His eyes widened further before he looked away. “I do not know.”

“Lies,” I growled, stepping closer. He remained silent and it aggravated me. The heat of my anger sparked my riastrad and I shoved him back into a tree trunk. “What magic did you use?”

“Seanait, please, these are not questions either of us want answers to,” he said, looking back at me. His dark eyes begged me to stop.

“Why, Cillian?” I stepped closer and he bolted away, taking a deep breath. He opened his mouth to say something as the wind blew past me towards him. His mouth shut and he gritted his teeth stepping further away from me.

I stepped closer. “Cillian?”

“Stay there before I do something, we both regret,” he snapped.

He was avoiding something. He knew something and was refusing to tell me.

I stormed closer to him, stopping mere inches away. “Tell me the truth,” I growled. His eyes glimmered purple with magic and he snatched my arm. His grip tightened as his jaw tensed. With little effort, he swung my back into the nearby tree trunk, pinning me against it. His body kept me from escaping. Not that I was worried. With my riastrad, he posed no danger—and even without it, a part of me knew he did not want to hurt me. He didn’t feel dangerous.

My heart strummed loudly in my chest and my breaths grew shallow under his gaze. What was happening to me?

“The truth can get us both killed,” he murmured. I grew very aware of how close he was to me. His body hovered above mine. His hot breath caught in the crook of my neck sending a shiver down my back. “Stop pushing.” He looked into my eyes. Fear clouded his and I felt it too. We were both being held underwater by this strange feeling, struggling to breathe.

“Cillian.” My hand rose to his cheek and touched his chilled skin. He closed his eyes tight, his grip on my arm tightening. We stood frozen in place as my heart raced. The heat of my anger was cooled by him. His hold relaxed as he leaned into my hand.

“Seanait.” He opened his eyes, leaning closer to me. His hand moved to the back of my neck pulling my face closer. Whatever he fought against moments before, he gave into. I searched his eyes for a reason. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to heed his warning or continue towards my answers. Answers I could only understand if I gave into the scent of orange blossom that clouded my judgement. 

My lips hovered above his. There was no going back after this. If it was a spell, I could seal it. I had kissed others before, but nothing came close to the anticipation rippling through me at that moment. My body felt hot as if it boiled from the inside. I knew my answers laid on his lips and I was so tired of fighting everything in my life but Eion. Did I not deserve the relief of a tender touch? Even if it was all a trick, for a few moments I could forget the world and the Gods. For a few moments, I could be a foolish girl in the woods kissing a fae prince.

I leaned in closer, closing my eyes

About the Author

R.L McIntyre

I am a new author who started my self-publishing journey this year in 2021. Curse of the Gods will be my fourth book this year but not my last. I live in the Philadelphia area with a house full of crazy cats you can see on my Instagram or website. I’m a long-time reader and fantasy fan. Anything with strong female protagonists pulls me in.

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TikTok: Tiktok @r.l.mcintyre

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Gotcha Blitz


Gotcha cover


Vortmit, Book 2


Financial Thriller, Thriller


Published: July 2, 2021

Publisher: BookBaby

On islands off the coast of South Carolina, sisters Rainey and Gretchen go their separate ways. Gretchen disappears into a drug-addled underworld headed by Garrison Buchan, a sinister figure who hides his illegal activities behind a tree farm and an alligator sanctuary. Rainey, distracted by the upcoming sale of her app “Gotcha” to an anonymous investor with dubious plans for the company, lets her go.

But when a suspicious car crash drags the sisters back together, they are on their way to exposing secrets best left hidden!

“Gotcha” is a thriller novel about deception. The fraught relationship between two sisters takes center stage as an addictive computer app runs wild in South Carolina. Soon, nobody is safe.

Praise for Gotcha:

“[The] players are appealingly vibrant, including sympathetic Oscar, an eccentric psychic named Lenny, and Gretchen, who undergoes a transformation of sorts after repeated injections of the mysterious substance. Despite the large cast, Lytes provides a[n]… easy to follow plot that’s frequently witty…. An often entertaining series entry with several new and engaging characters.” – Kirkus Reviews

“The characters are bizarre and interesting – their wacky personalities alone are enough to move the story forward.” – The Book Life Prize

Other Books By Tom Lytes:

Clean: A Conspiracy Thriller banner


Clean: A Conspiracy Thriller


Vortmit, Book 1

Published: July 2019

Publisher: BookBaby

When police officer Peggy Whitfield receives a series of social media messages instructing her to commit murder, she is plunged into a nightmare from which there seems to be no escape. If she doesn’t obey the mysterious messenger, she herself could be killed. But if she does as she’s told, she’ll kill her estranged brother. As the bodies pile up, Peggy will have to look closely at her past relationships and work with her kind-of-honest, kind-of-boyfriend in the FBI. But can they contain CLEAN before no one is safe?

Today’s headlines are dominated by addictive iPhones, computers taking over our homes and finances, the invasion of privacy, and shadowy figures influencing our every move from afar. Clean tackles head-on one of current society’s biggest fears: what happens when we use a computer to make decisions, and the computer starts making decisions by itself?


About The Author

Tom Lytes

Born and raised between Manhattan and a farm, Tom Lytes graduated from Harvard before enjoying careers in fashion and real estate. A husband and father, Tom’s writing gravitates towards multiple character thrillers where normal people find themselves thrust into intertwined, extraordinary circumstances.

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The Omicron Six Blitz


The Omicron Six cover


YA Sci-fi Adventure, Young Adult, YA Sci-fi, Paranormal



Publisher: Koehler Books

“Cooper stretched his arm over on top of Coupe to quiet him and hold him down. He then reached into Coupe’s mind and urged him to sleep, told him to sleep, that he was safe and could sleep the night through without worrying about those . . . things that came to him. Coupe’s thrashing began to subside. He did not scream at all. He returned to a peaceful sleep.”

Cooper Callister cannot speak. Coupe Daschelete is the victim of horrible abuse. No one would expect them to possess superhuman powers. But they do. When a fight in the woods forces them to reveal themselves to each other, they start a journey together that leads them to discover power they never expected, power they were never intended to have. To unlock those powers and fully understand them, they must follow a difficult and dangerous path of self-discovery and self-revelation. Cooper is forced to face the isolation of his silence. Coupe must confront the demons that haunt his dreams, planted there by those who have abused him and broken his mind. Alone they could not do it. Only together do they have the strength to conquer their challenges.

The threats they confront force them once again to evolve into something new, this time to face a new enemy with deadly intent. But is the world ready to accept what they have become?

The Omicron Six tablet




Do you have a library card for the public library here in town?” Everett asked.

No, sir. I’m, uh, not welcome in there.”

Everett’s brow furrowed. “Why not? I would think they’d love a bookworm like you.”

I think they did, to start. But they caught me trying to sleep in there a couple of times and the last time I was told I could not come back.” Coupe looked up at Everett a little defensively. “I wasn’t stealing anything if that’s what you were thinking. It’s just it was wintertime and it was cold. I couldn’t go down to the river then and I… well, I didn’t want to go home either.”

Everett felt a wave of sympathy for the boy. He was still going to be stacking firewood, though. “I didn’t think you were stealing.” He paused, thinking. “Coupe I wish I had known of you back then. We would have helped.”

I know you would have. Well, I know that now.” Now it was Coupe’s turn to think. “In a way it turned out to be a good thing that my mother dumped me when she did.”

I expect that’s a tough thing to deal with either way, Coupe, but yeah, that’s a good way to look at it, I suppose. We’re happy to have you.”


No more fighting though, okay? You come to me or Evelyn. You don’t want to have the police involved.”

Yes, sir.”

They were passing the public library as they drove home. Everett slowed and pulled into the parking lot.

C’mon, Coupe, let’s see if we can get your reading privileges back.”

Coupe brightened. “You think so?”

No harm in trying,” he replied as he parked.

The two got out and walked into the library. As they approached the circulation desk a woman looked up at them both, then she recognized Coupe and a stern look came across her face. Before she could speak, Everett started to plead Coupe’s case.

Hi, I’m Everett Callister. I think you know this young man. I wanted to see if I could get him his library card back. You see, he’s living with us now. I’m his foster dad. He told me why he was not allowed back in here. I think you should know his circumstances were pretty rough back then. But he’s with us now. He’s a good kid and he loves reading. Is there any way he could start borrowing books again?”

The librarian looked at Everett as if sizing him up. “Did he tell you we found him sleeping in the back of the non-fiction section…on more than one occasion?”

He did. It was pretty cold out. Did he tell you he had nowhere else to go?”

The librarian’s face softened. “He did not.” She thought for a moment. “I suppose if he is always supervised by you while he is here he can start coming back in…on a probationary basis to start with.”


They left the library with a brand-new card and five more books. Coupe was positively beaming. Everett had insisted he got one on the basics of small engine repairs. He was hoping Coupe might be able to help him with some…projects.

About the Author

Endy Wright

Endy Wright received his undergraduate degree in English literature from Grinnell College and his juris doctorate from the University of New Hampshire School of Law. Before becoming an attorney, he was a counselor for at-risk children in New Hampshire, and, a cross-community worker in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He was also previously a research assistant in the House of Commons in London, England. As a trial attorney, he discovered that writing was a useful outlet for the stress that came along with his profession. His first book was a collection of short stories, entitled The Garden Plot Diaries. The Omicron Six is his first novel.

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