Modern Day Shaman TOUR

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Modern Day Shaman® Find a Deeper Connection to Life


Memoir/Personal Development/Spiritual Growth/Shamanism


Date Published: 5th January 2021

This very personal and deeply engaging book details the extraordinary spiritual journey of Sarah Ann Negus, the Modern Day Shaman®. It reveals how she allowed her spiritual gifts to shine through, so she can help other people in the world to find theirs. Her first book helps you to master your energy and to ‘see in the dark’, unshackling past conditioning and believing in the realms of infinite possibilities, so you can be the best version of yourself possible, both personally and professionally.

The key messages of her timely book, revealing to the world the true essence of how we are all shaman, is beautifully depicted in the numerous standalone quotations from the author, which add depth and richness to the reader’s experience, as demonstrated below.

Lasting change and personal growth are found

when you commit to all of you; mind, body and spirit.”

“This is not the truth.

It is my truth.

Take what touches your heart and leave the rest.”

Never be afraid of the dark.

Without it there is no light.”

This book is dedicated to you.

May you find your way.”

The author tells her true story of her personal spiritual and shamanic journey warts and all, through a series of exceptionally refreshing visual and engaging stories, accounts and reflections from her lived experience. It is true life, told as it was. She says that her purpose for writing her first book for other people is to:

  • inspire them to look within themselves for answers;
  • offer them the understanding that they are not alone;
  • show them they are powerful in their own right and can change their lives; and
  • offer simple practical tools that will help anyone to explore their own inner world and energy.

Sarah is the Modern Day Shaman®. She works with highly successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives and high-flying start-ups to help them find consistent successful growth in their lives. With 22 years of experience in the field of energy, and a lifetime of entrepreneurial highs and lows, Sarah brings a unique take on business.

She invites her clients to widen their vision, to think differently and shows them how to access their dreams in real-time. What sounds impossible and implausible is not.

Sarah experienced her spiritual awakening over 22 years ago while searching for a more meaningful and impactful way to live her life. She then set out on a 12-year shamanic apprenticeship journey, travelling to Peru and studying with the Shamans of the Amazon forest.

Over the years, Sarah mastered her craft and today she brings the power of ancient shamanism to modern visionaries and leaders, helping them to fully embody their highest potential. Sarah is a Modern Day Shaman®️ Extraordinaire.

Sarah works with highly successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives and high-flying start-ups to help them create consistent success and growth in their lives. With over two decades of experience in the field of energy, and a lifetime of entrepreneurial highs and lows, Sarah brings a unique take on business.


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“Lasting change and personal growth are found when you commit to all of you; mind, body, and spirit.” 

Sarah Ann Negus 

“What is your highest potential?” I asked without expecting any response. 

I stood on the stage. The screen behind me filled with a huge image of me. The caption read, “Sarah Negus, Modern Day Shaman®. Activate Your Highest Potential”. 

This was the opening line of my speech. I looked out onto a sea of faces, all watching me, more than 100 people in the audience, curious, expectant and interested. 

I continued. 

“Can you imagine a little girl? She is sitting alone in the garden in a magic world? 

Can you remember as a child the sense of wonder you had? The focus you felt when playing or drawing or pretending? Can you remember your imaginary friends? This was you, as a child, experiencing an altered state of consciousness connecting with everything you are. 

Perhaps in your adult life you have witnessed a child daydreaming. Completely entranced by the colourful world they are creating as they play. 

That state is a lot harder for us, as adults, to access. Often the experiences of our lives have taught us not to go there and we have forgotten how to access our spiritual intelligence and have hidden it within. 

Let me ask you something further. 

“What would it look like to experience a spiritual life? To live your highest potential.
To access your spiritual intelligence.
I’ll give you a few clues. 

You would have deeper meaning in the things you do. You would possess purpose and confidence and hold full responsibility for yourself.
You would be able to effectively communicate from your truth.
You would know everything is possible.
You would live successfully.
And you would realise your potential in every moment.” The collection of eyes in the audience stared back at me. 

I paused. 

I felt the energy in my body, the heat rising and the tingle of my spine as I channelled the words from my higher self. If I looked into a mirror, I knew I would see my green eyes lighting up with an energy that is noticeably different to my everyday vibration. 

“What if I told you that you already are and you already do?” 

The energy in the room changed, dropping down from a slight busyness as the audience moved around, to quiet stillness. 

I knew this may have been counter intuitive for many people listening. But I continued, spurred on by the goose bumps taking over my skin. 

“Sarah, listen.” 

I did and continued to speak. 

“Let us talk about spirituality in more depth. At one extreme we have a man living in a cave in the Himalayas dressed only in a loin cloth, spending 18 hours a day in meditation. Devoting his life to the search for oneness, a cosmic experience with the divine that merges his energy with the Universe and fills him with bliss. 

I do not see many of you willing to go for this option, although I could be wrong? A few twitters, giggles and eye twinkles showed me they were with me. 

Then we have the other end of the spectrum. A person living as a victim to life, to society, to everything that has ever happened to them with no idea that they have the power to change anything, especially their thoughts and feelings. 

And then, we have you. Somewhere in between, the middle ground. No loin cloths, but an understanding that you hold the power to change. 

You have learned many things. You understand to some variable extent, your emotional self. You are purpose led and you want to make a difference and give back. You have a desire to feel good by doing good. 

Yet, you are searching. You know something in your life – even if other people see you as successful – is missing. 

There is an itch you cannot quite scratch that can be felt in the background of your everyday life. It drives you to strive for more. 

I know. I used to feel overwhelmed without knowing why. I had the recurring thought I was running out of time. Time to do what? I was not sure. I distracted myself with pain, illness, material things and busied myself with mindless over-giving. All the time, I ignored my real purpose, disconnected from my higher self. When I was asked what I really wanted I did not know. I simply wanted more. 

Which brings me to another asked and often unanswered question. 

What is more? 

More stuff, bigger car, bigger house. Maybe a boat, more money, more external success? 


But when you have those things the itch remains. In the middle of your mind, in your body and floating in your energy. 

Maybe the itch is the motivating force that brought you here. 

You want to know more. You are curious.
You are open. 

You want to find a sense of contentment, of inspiration, of deeply held knowing throughout your whole being of success and of impact. 

Wouldn’t that feel like bliss to wake up and feel like that every day? 

Getting up each day building your legacy, designing your life towards change for the better in our crazy world? 

Now that excites me. And it is exactly what I help create and guide people towards. 

I am the Modern Day Shaman®. I am here to shift your consciousness. To show you everything you need is within. To encourage you to live, think and behave from a place of spiritual intelligence, from your higher mind and from your heart, so you know success in your being. 

The way to spiritual intelligence does not have to be hard. You have not got to have numerous car crashes like me. 

You do not have to experience disease, depression or chronic fatigue to notice that perhaps you are on the wrong track, in the wrong job, or simply ignoring your soul purpose. 

And, you do not have to trek out to Peru to experience Ayahuasca and learn from the indigenous shamans to understand how connected and powerful you are. I did all that for you. 

So, if you are in denial it’s a place in Egypt the Nile. Yeah, joke telling is not my superpower, but facilitating personal growth through spiritual work is! My work marries ancient philosophical teachings and modern mindset work to show you how you can become the fullest expression of you and achieve all you want to in the modern way of being. 

Shamanism is that philosophy. Science can track its origins back 30,000 years both ethnologically and archeologically. It has been around for a while. Its common theme is being connected to the Earth, or Mother Earth as it was named by our ancestors, everything on it and to the wider consciousness of the Universe, which the ancient people called Father Sky. 

Today, I use shamanism as a way to help you gain knowledge of yourself by experiencing all that you are in an altered state. Ayahuasca shows your spiritual truth and will purge you of the things you no longer need. Shamanic journeying does the same. 

I will leave you now with a gift. 

The gift of your breath. 

I find breath fascinating. When we inhale, we create a new shape with ourselves. Try it. 


When we exhale, we let go of that potential easily, effortlessly, without thinking of it and especially without regret. 

We do not hold on to it and think, I want to keep that breath, I cannot let that breath go because I will never find another one like it. 

We do not think consciously, I will breathe in and be a whole new me, a more fulfilled me, a more open me, a more fabulous me. Although that is what is happening. Each moment you let go of the past, the old, the no longer needed. Each moment you welcome in the new. 

Every moment you change.
This change is inevitable, and it is happening within you. I think that is pretty amazing. 

You are amazing.
A miracle.
You are your highest potential in being you. 

Out of the whole expansion of the Universe, you, imperfectly perfect in your uniqueness have landed here on this beautiful planet. 

Planet Earth in this particular solar system. Exactly the right distance from the sun to sustain life. 

You are a miracle. 

As I finished speaking, I felt my energy filling the room. Had I touched their hearts? I did not know but I had opened mine. I had shared my truth. Not the truth, but the truth coming from my unique life. The truth of knowing my highest potential is now. 

It took a while, but I found my way back to me. 

About the Author

Sarah Ann Negus is a modern-day shaman. She grew up in South London and has spent her life finding out who she really is. Her journey of discovery, in this her first book, takes you from lost to found in the most alternative of ways. Sarah’s experience was not easy, but she believes that coming home to your true self does not have to be a fight or a struggle.

As a child she learned that not everyone saw what she did, and she hid her gifts. Coming back to them as an adult, she slowly remembered her purpose and promised to share them.

Sarah runs a successful mentoring and public speaking business working with entrepreneurs and executives who understand their energy is a powerful driving force for growth, both personally and professionally. She facilitates an altered state of consciousness for her clients which allows them to observe themselves and the world differently as a result. They take actions from a new belief system, which empowers them to achieve what they previously believed was impossible. Her clients typically say; “This has been life-changing”.

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